Eros Mystery school

A Life Changing Experience

The Mystery School is a five-days experiential event that immerses you in Dr Marc Gafni’s revolutionary teachings on Outrageous Love, Eros and Unique Self. Come and discover how you can contribute to the creation of a new Reality through living your Unique Self.

Learn about the dharma, that is based on the most profound traditions and yet includes the most cutting-edge scientific discoveries and developmental theories. Find out what your personal story is, that deserves to be lived and told. Unveil the Eros in yourself, the experience of being radically alive, the greater wholeness of your own source code of love. Master to apply this in your personal and business life and help create a world in which a politics of Outrageous Love and Eros is the standard.

History of the Mystery School

The Mystery School is an annual event organized since 2012 by the Mystery School of Love, an Esoteric Mystery School on the leading edge of human evolution. Mystery School is dedicated to bringing to Europe the new story of CosmoErotic Humanism, the First Principles and First Values of Eros, Outrageous Love and Unique Self, which represent the main topics at the heart of Dr. Marc Gafni’s teachings.

After ten years of Mystery School, held and directed as the Outrageous Love Festival by Dr Marc Gafni, Chahat Corten and Claire Molinard, we now continue under the name Eros Mystery School.

Eros Mystery School is currently directed by Dr. Marc Gafni and Chahat Corten.

Each summer, we come together as a vibrant community and evolutionary educational platform to which you and the other participants are invited to play a larger game, and to recognize your inherent greatness and capacity to open to Love. Together with a great team of dedicated teachers and bodyworkers, we gather and co-create the Mystery School, to experience and embody a memory of the future.

Through the combination of Dr. Marc Gafni’s cutting edge teachings, and a large range of embodied practices, you get a practical guide to evolving your capacity to love and to be lived as Outrageous Love.

Is Eros Mystery School for you?

At the Mystery School, we stand for a world in which we’re aroused by Love. A world in which you are affirmed and honored, by the radiance of your heart and soul. We need you, and we need each other to transform this world into an extraordinary world.

Today, unlike any other time in history, humanity is facing the risk of its own extinction, along with the planet’s destruction. Our biggest challenge, as a species, in addressing this existential risk is to articulate a new narrative about Reality that can catalyse a new way forward, through birthing a new consciousness. We are calling this new consciousness of being lived as Love, Homo Amor, Unique Self or the Outrageous Lover.

Change is created through behavior and thus behavior is what the Mystery School is evoking within you. It will shake you up fiercely, to integrate its message deeper. It calls for evolution, in a disruptive yet loving way. It is disturbing, inviting you to leave your comfort zone. It will stretch all edges and calls for evolution. Yet at the same time, you will feel held, recognized and acknowledged for showing up. It is an experience that creates new worlds of connection, within yourself and between you and the people around you. Are you ready?

The Mystery School is a boutique spiritual festival, giving you the opportunity for a deep personal transformation and a life changing experience, through:

  • Dr Marc Gafni’s daily transformative teachings on the Phenomonology of Eros, offering you new insights from spiritual, cultural and academic sources, greater awareness and a powerful sense of purpose
  • Live Transformative Music lead by Isreali medicine musician Shimon Lev Tahor, with Krista Josepha
  • Early morning practice, Qigong and Sitting Meditation.
  • Daily Evolutionary Satsang by Chahat Corten, an intimate meeting that builds our field of Outrageous Love
  • Top-notch embodiment workshops by leading specialists (Dr. Kristina Kincaid and Aubrey Marcus), enabling you to integrate and embody the teachings.*
  • Personal interaction in creating evolutionary families, with fellow festival participants, helping you to shape your life as an Outrageous Lover *

* This part of to the program is subject to change and will be confirmed at a later time.

Become a higher version of yourself. Get more profound self-knowledge, a deeper understanding of our world’s needs and how you can contribute to fulfilling those needs by living as an Outrageous Lover, from your Unique Self.

Read about our program in details here.

See and listen to the testimonials of the participants on many pages of this website.


Join us in 2025