About Us
About Dr. Marc Gafni
Gafni is a visionary thinker, social activist, and passionate philosopher. He is known for his “source code teachings,” including Unique Self theory and the Five Selves, the Amorous Cosmos, A Politics of Evolutionary Love, A Return to Eros and Digital Intimacy. He is author of twenty-five books, of which the first ten have been published, including the award-winning Your Unique Self: The Radical Path to Personal Enlightenment. He holds a doctorate in philosophy from Oxford University, as well as Orthodox rabbinic ordination.
One cultural critic described Gafni as “a cross between Einstein, Da Vinci and Rumi, with a dash of Robin Williams” working at the cutting edge of the New Narrative, collaborating with a team of thinkers articulating a new vision of meaning for the world. “Gafni thinks in highly complex terms but speaks simply and directly.”
Gafni is playing a pivotal role in evolving a new ‘dharma,’ or meta-theory of meaning overflowing with heart – a new set of distinctions, that is helping to re-shape key pivoting points in global consciousness and culture.
He teaches on the cutting edge of philosophy and spirit in the West, with the aim of participating in the articulation of what Dr. Gafni together with Dr. Zak Stein and colleagues are calling CosmoErotic Humanism.
At the core of CosmoErotic Humanism is what Dr. Gafni and Dr. Stein are calling ‘First Principles and First Values,’ Anthro-Ontology and a “Universal Grammar of Value.”
This is the ground of a new shared universe story and a new narrative of identity for the new human and the new humanity. This is what they are calling the emergence from Homo sapiens to Homo Amor.
This shared story rooted in First Principles and First Values can then serve as the matrix for a global ethos for a global civilization.
Dr. Gafni is the Co-Founder, together with Ken Wilber and Sally Kempton, of the Center for Integral Wisdom where he serves as its co-President. Together with Dr. Zak Stein, they are co-leading a team of thinkers, articulating a new vision of meaning for the world. The Center is a leading activist think tank dedicated to articulating a practical politics of evolutionary love, and to catalyzing an emergent personal and global vision of ethics, Eros and meaning. Former Board Chairs include the pre-eminent futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard, John P. Mackey of Whole Foods, Kate Maloney, Lori Galperin, Carrie Kish and other esteemed thought and business leaders. Our current chairs are Shareef Malnik and Gabrielle Anwar.
Dr. Gafni is the Evolutionary Scholar in Residence – and since Barbara’s Marx Hubbard’s passing, the Director – at the Foundation for Conscious Evolution and a co-founder of the Integral Evolutionary Tantra Institute and the Outrageous Love Project with Dr. Kristina Kincaid. He is co-founder of the Unique Self Institute with Claire Molinard. All of these entities function under the larger umbrella of the Office for the Future, co-founded by Barbara Marx Hubbard, Marc Gafni, Zachary Stein, and co-chaired by Stephanie Valcke and Ivan Bossuyt. Marc Gafni currently serves as the President of the Office for the Future.
Over the past 30 years, Dr. Gafni has developed evolutionary and activist programs rooted in his commitment to what he has termed “participating in the evolution of love.” Together with author and social innovator Barbara Marx Hubbard, he has been working on a series of new works revolving around Evolutionary Spirituality.
Together with the late Barbara Marx Hubbard he co-founded One Mountain, Many Paths. The group gathers weekly every Sunday as A Global Communion of Pioneering Souls committed to articulating First Principles and First Values: A New Story for a New Humanity. Or as Marc and Barbara said together, A Planetary Awakening in Love through Unique Self Symphonies.
A Rabbinic lineage holder in Bible, Talmud, and Kabbalah, Gafni self-describes as a “citizen” of both the new lineage of World Spirituality even as he has remained loyal to the classical Hebrew lineage practices in which he was raised. He has been an editor of the Journal of Integral Theory and Practice on issues of Integral spirituality and a faculty member of J.F.K. University.
Gafni has initiated multiple leading-edge visionary programs including writing and hosting the leading National Television show on Ethics and Spirit in the Middle East, and initiated the Success 3.0 Summit and movie with John Mackey and Kate Maloney whose method and movement was to bring together key thought leaders and change agents to collaboratively evolve a bold new Integral vision of success, rooted in the entrepreneurial values of Wake Up, Grow Up, Show Up, and Evolutionary Love.
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Chahat Aden Corten
“In meeting Marc Gafni in 2010, a totally new layer of Love opened within me and it was instantly clear to me that I met my new teacher, co-creator and a deep friend. Marcs’ transmission allowed me to access a Realization of Truth that had been unfolding and deepening in me for years, in a new, most tender and intimate way. As one of his teachers would say: ‘Embodied in my toenails.’ Working with Marc and our awesome team in the Eros Mystery School has been my great joy and delight since 2012.”
Chahat Aden Corten was one of the founding members of an internationally acclaimed Dutch community and retreat center dedicated to heart-based living, personal growth and spirituality. From its beginnings in 1988, she stood with her late life partner Ted Wilson in holding together and developing this dynamic, experimental, on-the-edge organization.
Thoroughly cooked in the complexities of intentional communal living, Chahat blends penetrating wisdom in the realms of relating, intimacy and sacred sexuality with gentle compassion, holy laughter and ecstatic creativity.
In her wondrous life journey, she has had the privilege to meet and study with numerous great spiritual teachers from all over the world. All these doorways into the miracle of our existence have shaped her unique realization of emptiness and fullness, wisdom and love, culminating in her deep, wide open heart.
Chahat supports individuals and couples who seek her out for her wise and deeply human perspective on all areas of life. One of Chahat’s greatest skills is supporting people to find ways to implement spiritual practice in their daily lives – the only place where our practice really gets challenged and can be seen for what it is!
At the Eros Mystery school, you’ll meet her in Evolutionary Satsang.
Her website is:
Krista Josepha Steenbergen
Krista is the Executive Director of the Eros Mystery School, Center for Integral Wisdom, Foundation for Conscious Evolution and One Mountain, Many Paths and also serves as the Co-Executive Director of the Great Library, in particular the publication of Evolutionary Sensemaking Books.
She is also our Outrageous Love Ambassador, bringing excitement and enthusiasm for our shared practice: loving our way to enlightenment through writing Outrageous Love Letters.
She met Dr. Marc Gafni in 2013 at the Outrageous Love Festival in Holland. The dharma provided her with an integral roadmap, including everything she ever experienced or studied. She felt a deep sense of coming home and has intensely studied the Phenomonology of Eros in private Holy of Holies with Dr. Marc since 2020.
In her life she has dealt with challenges like we all do, yet always finds herself back in ecstatic Oneness with the Mystery of Life. Through living her unique life she weaves threads between dark and light, human and divine, fulness and void, the holy and the erotic and is in particular allured to participate in telling the new story of love and sexuality (A Return to Eros).
In 2014 she graduated as a Religion Scientist, focussing her studies on Religion & Gender. In 2009 she was initiated as a Priestess during a Vision Quest as part of a three year training. Next to that she has studied with many tantric teachers, including two intensive Tantra Teacher Trainings.
Sacred Plant Medicine is a tremendous part of her healing & awakening journey, reconnecting her to the Great Mother and teaching her the ways of medicine music.
She has been working as an intimacy coach, guiding women’s groups in Feminine Sensuality and hosting many community gatherings. She facilitated an online community called the Sexy Soul Tribe.
Krista is a medicine musician, practicing an ever deeper listening & surrendering to the music within. Singing always brings her back in connection with the Goddess. She loves nature, yoga, cuddle-puddles and deep authentic connection.
She lives in Holland and is very excited to bring the Dharma to Europe through recurring events.
Claire Molinard
Claire Molinard is the co-creatrix and founder of Unique Self Emergence, a psycho-spiritual coaching program for change agents ready for their next level of evolution and impact. She is an ICC Integral Master Coach™, a Core Energetics psychotherapist, and an empowered Unique Self lineage holder. Claire has been on the Center for Integral Wisdom board for the past ten years and has served as the co-executive director of the Outrageous Love Festival from 2016 – 2022. For the past 2 decades, she’s coached, taught, and facilitated in a variety of roles, countries, and contexts. To learn more about Unique Self Coaching Programs and other ways to work with Claire, go to uniqueselfemergence.com.
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