Ulrike Katharina Blank


Ulrike Katharina Blank

Ulrike Katharina Blank, life artist, visual artist (painting, photography), art project manager.

I was born in Germany and I live now in Essen, a city in the Rhine – Ruhr Area. After I completed my grafik design Studies, I worked as an employ in several advertising agencies for ten years. Then I realized that the time had come to change my life completely. I choose to quit my job as an art director to focus my energy and time on living as an artist.

My other passion, teaching people how beautiful, inspiring and sometimes even life changing it is, to express ourselves through our unique art expression, started to become real. I am creating and leading art workshops for children, youngsters and adults in different contexts.

I was a member of two theater groups for fifteen years, improvisation theater and body theater. This satisfied my need for playing, body movement and dance, and also taught me a lot about embodiment through art expression. On my development path and emerging journey, I participate in bodywork in different forms and approaches.

For five years I have been creating and leading art workshops that weave all parts together: body awareness, body movement, and dancing, drawing, painting, and writing.


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