Listen to Dr. Marc Gafni and Aubrey Marcus:
“Awaken the Erotic Mystic Within”
Take the Epic Journey to Become an Erotic Mystic
As an Erotic Mystic…
You are lived as love.
You experience the radical aliveness of Reality coursing through you.
Your desire is lit on fire.
You pulse with the desire for ever deeper contact and ever greater intimate communion.
You are always in a dance with the Beloved, reaching for ever deeper relationships in all of its forms.
You know that the Beloved is not only the romantic partner, but also the friend, also your wider family of soul root partners, with whom you share a common dream and yearn for common destiny. The Beloved you seek intimate communion with includes yourself, your friends, your romantic partner, your biological family, your evolutionary soul-root family, the Earth, humanity, and ultimately the whole world.
You are committed to changing the world, but you know that it is only through your own transformation that you can truly change the whole.
Goodness, Truth, and Beauty seek you out desiring to be your friend.
You feel a depth of connection to yourself, your loved ones, and the Universe itself.
Loving your way to enlightenment is the Royal Road.
At the beautiful Castle de Berckt, Holland, Europe (or online worldwide)
What Is Eros Mystery School?
Eros Mystery School is a revolutionary experience that changes forever your experience of Eros, love, intimacy, and power.
This immersive retreat is led by world philosopher and spiritual teacher Dr. Marc Gafni and psychonaut, poet and entrepreneur Aubrey Marcus. Marc and Aubrey are joined by Dr. Kristina Kincaid, master of embodiment, and Vylana Marcus, sound alchemist and songstress. Together they will initiate and co-create with participants a profound journey of self-discovery and world-shaping purpose.
This exclusive Mystery School will initiate you into the path of the Erotic Mystic, light a new flame of love in your heart and body, give you access to the prophetic voice that lives in you, even as you transform the early traumas that distorted your voice, your Eros, and your excellence.
You will meet people here who will be with you for life. You’ll enter a community. They will be your brothers and sisters that are going to be your evolutionary family and we’re going to give you everything we have, and we want to receive everything you have.
Let’s come together and love this moment open. Let’s create an evolution of love, an evolution of culture and consciousness that changes not only ourselves, that not only creates an unimaginable community of evolutionary partners and beloveds, but that also quite literally changes the world.
You will emerge from this engagement with an entirely new set of capacities as a leader and a lover.
Learn more about Dr. Marc Gafni's teachings on the Evolution of Love: from Role Mate, to Soul Mate, to Whole Mate
Enjoy this amazing podcast with Dr. Marc and Aubrey & Vylana Marcus
Awaken The Erotic Mystic Within
Join us for a week of connection and deep heartful transformation with Dr Marc Gafni, our great team of workshop facilitators, medicine musicians and an intimate group of outrageous fellow participants. There’s only a limited number of tickets available, so make sure you don’t miss this unique opportunity to take your life to the next level!
The Retreat
Come and discover how you are contributing to the creation of Reality with your Unique Self. Learn about this dharma that is based on the most profound traditions and yet includes the most cutting-edge scientific discoveries and developmental theories. Get a taste of what it means to be radically alive and help to create a world in which Outrageous Love is the standard.
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